Slamman Booking Asia, SMASH in association with Doomstar Bookings are proud to ritualize The True Mayhem, the truest “masters of the black arts”, “the Alpha and the Omega of black metal”, on their THALASSIC RITUAL tour FEB 2023 in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand.
As once commented, MAYHEM’s unstoppable artistry and ageless fury could burst back into life at any moment.
As old as the genre of black metal itself, the name MAYHEM transcends beyond the formless verbal captors to reach into unfathomable chaos, instigate boundless experimentalism and define psychosonic destruction for generations of artists and metal diehards alike.
The band’s rulebook is always full of standard-bearers like De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Grand Declaration of War, Ordo Ad Chao, and all the same gloriously empty for endless bouts of creativity to come, evidential in Daemon (2019) or their latest EP Atavistic Black Disorder/Kommando (2021).
The current line-up of Necrobutcher, Hellhammer, Teloch, Ghul and Attila Csihar are ever revolutionary, idiosyncratic and ready to reconvene their reign of darkness. And yet, there is only one true MAYHEM, MAYHEM without mercy.